Friday, January 15, 2010

Bolivia travel advice

This advice has been reviewed and reissued with amendments to the Summary and Local Travel section (removal of reference to elections on 6 December). The overall level of the advice has not changed.

Travel Summary

  • The political situation in Bolivia is tense and there is the risk that demonstrations and confrontations might break out at short notice. You should exercise caution and avoid large crowds. See the Local Travel section of this Travel Advice.

  • There is continual risk of public protests and strikes throughout Bolivia. Major roads can be blocked and public transport disrupted at very short notice. You should take care to avoid all public demonstrations which have the potential to turn violent.

  • Road travel can be dangerous as a result of poor road conditions, local driving techniques and the condition of vehicles on the road. Heavy rains have meant that some roads have been washed away. See the Local and Road Travel sections of this Travel Advice for more details.

  • There is a risk of 'express kidnappings'. You should exercise caution when arriving in, and travelling around, Bolivia and be aware of the general risks of crime for visitors. See the Crime section of this Travel Advice for more details.

  • Travellers should take precautions to prevent against mosquito bites because of the risk of Dengue Fever in Eastern departments. The Bolivian Government are now asking that foreigners travelling to areas away from the altiplano should have valid Yellow Fever certificates. See the Health section of this Travel Advice for more details.

  • There is a low threat from terrorism. But you should be aware of the global risk of indiscriminate terrorist attacks which could be in public areas, including those frequented by expatriates and foreign travellers.

  • 24 British nationals required consular assistance in Bolivia in the period 01 April 2008 – 31 March 2009 for the following types of incident: deaths (5 cases); hospitalisations (5 cases). During this period assistance was also requested with regard to lost or stolen passports (92 cases). You should note that the British Embassy in La Paz does not issue full replacement passports. Please also note that, currently, the British Embassy in La Paz is not able to issue Temporary Passports to facilitate onward travel in an emergency. We recommend that tourists visiting Bolivia and residents should register with the British Embassy using LOCATE. See the General section of this Travel Advice for more details.

  • We recommend that you obtain comprehensive travel and medical insurance before travelling. You should check any exclusions and that your policy covers you for all the activities you want to undertake. See the General (Insurance) section of this Travel Advice and our Travel Insurance page for more details.

Safety and security


There is a low threat from terrorism. But you should be aware of the global risk of indiscriminate terrorist attacks which could be in public areas, including those frequented by expatriates and foreign travellers.

For more general information see our terrorism abroad page.


You should be vigilant and cautious about your surroundings on arrival and while travelling in Bolivia because of the number of violent crimes against foreign nationals, including British visitors. You should exercise caution when choosing which type of transport to travel in. Look out for established transport companies and ask widely for guidance - you should avoid people offering cheaper transport, particularly, but not exclusively, at the popular overland Copacabana crossing point from Peru. This has been a regular starting point of violent, and sometimes life-threatening, attacks and abductions.

Beware of individuals offering help at taxi points at bus terminals where many thieves work in teams throughout the day and night to distract their victims. They are quick and effective once they have a target in view. If you do use a taxi look out for a 'radio taxi' (identifiable by the telephone number prominently displayed on the vehicle's roof), and make a note of the taxi's registration number and telephone number before starting your journey. Such taxis should carry no other passengers.

Some criminals pose as police officers and act in collusion with bogus taxi drivers to target foreigners on arrival. Their tactics have included using bogus police stations to fool victims. If you suspect that impostors are targeting you, please note that you cannot be searched without a written order from a state prosecutor.

You should also be aware of the risk of so called ‘express kidnappings’ - short-term, opportunistic abductions, aimed at extracting cash from the victim - that are occurring in Bolivia. Victims are normally selected at random and held while criminals empty their bank accounts with stolen cash cards, or use their credit cards. Once the criminals have managed to obtain money from the ATM for two or three days, the victim is usually quickly released. Foreign visitors are particularly vulnerable when entering Bolivia on overland border points with Peru and Chile, such as Desaguadero and Copacabana, and in transit to La Paz. Visitors travelling from Copacabana to La Paz should try to use direct buses. All travellers should exercise caution on arrival, especially in the Cementerio General area in La Paz where a number of incidents have been reported. There have also been incidents in the Sopocachi area of La Paz, and cases of tourists being choked unconscious and robbed.

Petty criminals are common in central La Paz and other destinations popular with tourists, e.g. Sagarnaga. They are a common danger, especially on buses and in crowded areas and we have received numerous reports of bags being stolen.

You should always keep your passport, air ticket and other valuable items, especially bankcards, in a safe location. You should also keep a copy of your passport, in case you lose the original, to facilitate a more rapid replacement. Please note you are required to carry some form of identification at all times. See Identification section for further details.

For more general information see our victims of crime abroad page.

Adventure Tourism

Bolivia offers a number of adventure activities, including mountain biking, salt flat tours and jungle expeditions. There are no government-implemented minimum standards for tour operators, so tourists should take care in choosing their operator, and check with recommendations from guide books and other travellers’ experiences. For mountain biking on the so-called 'Road of Death', travellers should ensure that the bicycles are in good condition, and that the guides are fully equipped with safety equipment and first-aid kits. You should also check any exclusions to your travel insurance policy, to ensure that your policy covers you for all the activities you want to undertake. When booking trips through tour operators, you are advised to use reputable companies.

Prison Tours

The Embassy is aware that prison tours, particularly in San Pedro prison in La Paz, are widely advertised. These tours are against the prison rules. Visitors should note that Bolivian prisons are guarded on the outside only - there are no police officers on guard within the prison walls, so if something should happen within the prison, the authorities could not guarantee your safety. As such, we advise against going on such tours due to the inherent danger present whilst within the prison. Bolivian authorities are aware that such tours exist and are making efforts to stop them.

Political situation

Bolivia Country Profile

Local travel

The political situation in Bolivia means that there is a risk of public disturbances. Demonstrations, which could turn violent, can break out at short notice. You should therefore take care to avoid all demonstrations.

Social protest is the traditional way of gaining government attention to address local, regional and national issues of concern. You should avoid all protests. Although most are peaceful, some can turn to violence. Strikes and demonstrations, of which there is a constant risk in Bolivia, can affect local travel including the interdepartmental bus routes. You should exercise caution and avoid protests wherever possible. Travel is likely to be disrupted.

Groups often use road blockades as a form of protest, and such blockades can arise with no warning. You are advised not to attempt to cross these blockades. There is a web-site ( which gives up-to-date information on which roads are blocked.

Road travel

Hire cars are available, but you will need an international driving licence.

During the rainy season (which runs from November to March) there is risk of roads being washed away or flooded. Travellers should check with the Bolivian road authority website (above) on the state of the roads.

Traffic is usually light, both on the main highways and unpaved roads. However there is little control of vehicle road-worthiness and serious accidents do occur on the main tourist routes. Many drivers do not have licences and commercial operators drive for well over the time permitted in comparison with European laws. There are also no controls over drink driving. Some of Bolivia’s principal roads are paved, but of variable quality. Most roads are unpaved rough tracks, which are graded from time to time. 4-wheel drive vehicles are often the best means of transport, especially during the rainy season, which can make roads completely impassable for days. Broken-down vehicles with no warning lights are a frequent hazard on roads at night.

In the main cities, taxis are plentiful and cheap (but see Crime section of this advice, relating to bogus taxi drivers). However many taxis do not meet European standards and rarely have seat belts. There have been a number of recent accidents involving public transport, especially long distance buses.

For more general information see our driving abroad page.

River travel

You can take boat trips on Lake Titicaca but you should be aware that the craft are often very basic.

For more general information see our River and Sea Safety page.

Local laws and customs

You should be aware that illegal bars exist in Bolivia. You may be detained for questioning if caught at a clandestine establishment, particularly if drugs are found at its location.

Bolivia is the world’s third largest producer of cocaine. In their efforts to control the production, the government have harsh penalties for those caught trafficking or in possession. The minimum sentence is eight years. You should therefore be very careful with your luggage and belongings and avoid any contact with prohibited drugs.

You should also be careful especially when carrying cameras or binoculars when travelling off the beaten track, particularly in coca-growing areas such as the Chapare and the Yungas.

You should also check before taking photographs of the local population.

Homosexuality is not illegal, but is frowned upon by the majority of Bolivians, more so in the Altiplano than in Santa Cruz, where attitudes tend to be more liberal.

For more general information for different types of travellers see our Travel Advice Relevant to You page.

Entry requirements


As a British visitor to Bolivia, you do not need a visa. The length of stay permitted on entering Bolivia is 30 days. This can be extended for a further 60 days, at no extra charge, provided you apply before the end of the 30 day period at the Department of Immigration offices throughout the country. If you want to stay longer you should seek advice from the Bolivian Consulate. Long-stay travellers should report on arrival in Bolivia to the Department of Immigration office in La Paz at Avenida Camacho No. 1468 to obtain the necessary endorsement in their passport. Regulations require that all visitors arriving by air should be able to produce a return air ticket or other proof of how they are planning to leave the country at the end of their stay.

Passport validity

Passports should have a validity of at least six months from the date of arrival in Bolivia.

Travelling with children

Single parents or other adults travelling alone with children should be aware that Bolivian authorities require documentary evidence of parental responsibility before allowing lone parents to enter the country or, in some cases, before permitting the children to leave the country. For further information on exactly what will be required at immigration please contact the Bolivian Embassy in London.


Medical facilities in the largest cities are good and they are acceptable in the main tourist areas. Outside those areas facilities may not be to the standards expected.

A (H1N1) - Swine Flu

There is a dedicated swine flu page on the FCO website. Guidance on Pandemic Flu can be obtained on the UK Department of Health website.

Dengue Fever

Dengue Fever is common to Latin America and the Caribbean and can occur throughout the year. There were serious outbreaks in Bolivia in 2009. The worst of the epidemic has passed, but there are still cases, and travellers should take extra precautions against being bitten by mosquitoes.

Yellow Fever

The Bolivian Government announced on 24 June 2009 that foreigners entering areas which had been designated 'high risk' for Yellow Fever would need a valid Yellow Fever certificate. These areas include all of the regions of Santa Cruz, Pando and Beni, and much of Cochabamba, Tarija and northern La Paz departments. The highland region of the country, including the cities of La Paz, Potosi and Oruro, Lake Titicaca and the Salar de Uyuni, is not affected. When outbreaks occur, the government sets up vaccination points at police checkpoints. At each of these, you may be vaccinated if you do not hold a valid Yellow Fever vaccination certificate.

The Bolivian authorities are requesting that all travellers who arrive from Brazil or Paraguay should show valid Yellow Fever vaccination certificates

There is a high incidence of malaria in lowland tropical areas (Beni and Pando) and the area known as Chaco in the south (Yacuiba, Paracari). There have also been outbreaks of leptospirosis in rural areas of Chuquisaca.

In the 2008 Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic the UNAIDS/WHO Working Group estimated that around 7,900 adults aged 15 or over in Bolivia were living with HIV; the prevalence rate was estimated at around 0.2% of the adult population. This compares to the prevalence rate in adults in the UK of around 0.2%. You should exercise normal precautions to avoid exposure to HIV/AIDS. For more general information on how to do this see our HIV and AIDS page.

You should seek medical advice before travelling to Bolivia and ensure that all appropriate vaccinations are up-to-date. For further information on vaccination requirements, health outbreaks and general disease protection and prevention you should visit the websites of the National Travel Health Network and Centre (NaTHNaC) and NHS Scotland’s Fit for Travel or call NHS Direct on 0845 46 47.

For more general health information see our travel health page.

Natural disasters

Floods and landslides, especially in mountainous areas, are a regular feature of the Bolivian rainy season, which runs from November to March. Roads are frequently impassable for days at a time. (See Local Travel section for the latest situation).



We recommend that you obtain comprehensive travel and medical insurance before travelling. You should check any exclusions, and that your policy covers you for all the activities you want to undertake. For more general information see travel insurance. Some activities, such as mountain biking, are classified as hazardous and may be excluded in personal insurance policies.

If things do go wrong when you are overseas then this is how we can help.


Register with our LOCATE service to tell us when and where you are travelling abroad or where you live abroad so our consular and crisis staff can provide better assistance to you in an emergency.


You are required to carry some form of identification at all times, in case it is requested by the police. You can carry photocopies of the relevant pages from your passport, ensuring that you keep the original in a safe place. Should you lose your passport or other documents, the Consular Section of the British Embassy will do their best to help you with replacements. For this reason, you are advised to keep separately a photocopy of your passport and also register with the British Embassy on arrival.


The British Embassy in Bolivia does not have the facility to issue full passports. You are advised to check the validity of your passport and, if necessary, to renew it before travelling. You should ensure that you enter next of kin details in the back page of your passport. The Embassy currently accepts applications for new passports, which are forwarded to the British Consulate General in Rio de Janeiro for processing. Since 28 September 2009, applicants need to submit their applications direct to the UK Passport Service for the Americas and Caribbean at the British Embassy in Washington. You should allow 4 to 6 weeks for receipt of the new passport. If you lose a passport while in Bolivia, you must report this immediately to the police and obtain a police report. Currently, the British Embassy in La Paz is not able to issue Temporary Passports to facilitate onward travel in an emergency. We anticipate this situation being resolved shortly, but please note that during this period the Embassy will have limited ability to issue passports in an emergency. The travel advice will be updated again once we are able to do so. You should also be aware that Temporary Passports will be replaced by Emergency Travel Documents in the near future.


Banking facilities are good in all of the main Bolivian cities. You can access your money via ATMs, which cater for Visa, Cirrus, and Mastercard.

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